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How to improve website conversion

The expensive contextual advertising is forcing marketers to look for new ways to save budget, so as not to pay hundreds of rubles for one click. A specialist cannot influence the conditions of advertising sites, but he can improve the conversion of the site.

My name is Sergey Afonin, I am a content marketer for Callibri services. In this article, we will figure out which user actions should be paid special attention to and with which tools to make life easier, and the sales statistics are higher.

What are the conversions and why you should monitor them at all

Conversion is the percentage of users who have performed a targeted action on the site, in relation to the entire mass of users.

Formula for calculating conversion:

Please note: for the correct calculation of the conversion, it is worthwhile to correctly determine what you regard as the target action: contact, call, registration or purchase.

With this parameter, you can track what percentage of people from all your users take the required action. A high conversion rate indicates ad effectiveness, site usability, and overall that you re heading in the right direction. Accordingly, a low indicator is a wake-up call.

By studying the conversion data, you can build hypotheses: at what stage and for what reasons there are refusals, why the client leaves the site. And where there are hypotheses, there are plans for action.

Types and types of conversions

According to the value of the performed action, there are two types of conversions:

  1. Micro conversions are small user actions that are intermediate in relation to the main conversion. For example, this can be adding a product to your bookmarks, watching a commercial or opening a page with contacts.
  2. Macro conversions are the final, key action. Macro conversions include a purchase, filling out a form with contacts, subscribing to a company s newsletter.

Conversions are also divided by types:

  • Direct conversions – the simplest type, the user opens the site and makes a purchase.
  • Associated conversions arise when several points of contact with the company have led to action. For example, a user first saw an advertisement on Facebook, then accidentally found you in a search for a product, reacted to the association, and then placed an order.
  • Cross-device conversions are tracked through cookies. This type of conversion tracks targeted user actions across a chain of different devices. For example, in the morning a person from a smartphone added a product to the cart, and in the evening ordered this product from a computer.
  • Impression conversion is counted when the user first saw the ad, but did nothing, and only later took an action.

What conversions are important for B2B and B2C

Regardless of the segment, macro conversions play the main role – buying or filling out a form with contacts. The difference in the importance of conversions appears when you start to analyze micro conversions. Some of them are more important for B2B than for B2C. Their importance follows directly from the specifics of the interaction of the parties in B2B.

Important conversions in B2B

  • Opening a page with contacts.
  • Allocation and copying of e-mail or phone number. This is an especially important micro-conversion because in B2B there are still many people who communicate by email or phone.
  • Opening the page with the terms of payment and delivery.
  • View product.
  • Opening a page with reviews.
  • Callback order.
  • Downloading free content from the site. For example, a directory.

These conversions indicate that the prospect is showing interest and exploring the site. It is possible that he compares your offer with similar ones from competitors or makes a squeeze to agree on a deal with his superiors.

Important conversions in B2C

Based on the fact that B2C is most often the interaction of a company and individuals, the data that should be monitored also change. Although there are also common ground similar to B2B.

What micro conversions to look for in the B2C segment:

  • View product.
  • Opening a page with reviews.
  • Registration on the site.
  • Click on social media icons.
  • Copying the link to the site.
  • Viewing an advertising video.
  • Subscribe to the newsletter.
  • Click on the chat widget.
  • Intermediate actions before buying: adding a product to your bookmarks or cart, starting an order.

That is, these are conversions made by a person who personally studies your company. He looks for benefits, reads reviews, studies your social networks and ad creatives, looks at the site interface, asks for advice. If you liked something – put it in your bookmarks, etc.

In both cases, these micro conversions are steps on the ladder that lead the client to a macro conversion. All you have to do is analyze the frequency of these conversions and understand what works and what scares off customers. For convenience, compare the data with the Customer Journey Map: suddenly it turns out that the site hangs, the managers in the chat do not know anything, and the registration form is inconvenient. We have written a separate article about barriers and a customer journey map “Customer Journey Map. What is it, why is it needed and how to create your own Customer Journey Map”.

Conversion tools

To understand exactly how things are going on the site, we recommend that you arm yourself with tools for working with conversions.

Yandex.Metrica and Google analytics – the required minimum, web analytics systems will show the number of conversions per purchase, as well as the weaknesses that caused the client to leave you.

Heatmaps site – a visual tool that shows which elements of the site are of greater interest to users, where they click more often, etc. If you are not satisfied with the ready-made Yandex.Metrica solutions, please refer to CrazyEgg…

Call tracking – the tool determines from which advertising source the calling client came. Call tracking is indispensable if your clients are used to calling rather than writing.

Content personalization – a tool that replaces headers and content on the site according to the user s search request. This will allow you to keep the person on the page from the very first seconds, because he saw exactly what he was looking for.

Customer journey map – the above-mentioned tool is a visual model of the customer s journey from the appearance of a need to making a purchase and subsequent interaction with the company. With the help of analytics data, CJM will show the situation on conversions and bounces, as well as the ideal situation to which you need to lead your business.

Chat with built-in bot – allows you to explore the site without being distracted by the call, and the chatbot will advise the client on questions and services. In addition, the chatbot can collect contacts outside of working hours. Provide chat with engaging messages to motivate people to start a conversation.

Popup windows – a marketing tool, the usefulness of which depends on the selected setting. Pop-ups can infuriate customers, or they can become a lifeline if a person decides to leave the site. Offer discounts, consultation, lead magnet, or any other benefit in the windows that will keep a person from closing the page. But be careful when setting up the window spawn script. We recommend that you always give time to explore the site, and only then show offers.

Quiz – Gamification in Internet marketing helps to unobtrusively recognize the preferences of the client and collect his data along the way. Quiz-format surveys immerse a person in your product, studying their needs in parallel, so that later you can make the best offer.

Messenger aggregator – a tool that collects in one window all requests from users from different sites. Allows you not to miss out on conversions that are much easier to turn into a lead or sale. Messenger aggregator and other aforementioned conversion tools are included in MultiChat Callibri…

Tip: be sure to adapt the site for mobile devices. According to Statista, the share of global mobile traffic by the first quarter of 2021 amounted to 54.8% of the total mass of users. Therefore, make sure that your site works correctly from both a PC and a smartphone.


The difference in the importance of conversions for B2B and B2C is not so significant, the overall goal is still the same. Explore the details and subtleties that affect user behavior.

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