Reading time: 7 minutes

In 2019 on Black Friday Russians spent in online stores 22.3 billion rubles – 4.9 billion more than a year earlier. This year, despite the pandemic and crisis, no less excitement is expected. People wait for the mega-sale on November 27 to finally buy the coveted items at a heart-warming discount.

For offline and online stores, Black Friday can become both a red and a black day on the calendar. It all depends on the approach. If you do not want to be left behind and lose your profit, start preparing now. Mega-sale emails will stir up the interest of subscribers, increase their loyalty and bring many times more sales. Our checklist will show you how to make sales, beautiful and persuasive letters.

How does the store prepare for Black Friday?

In three weeks

1. Check the servers of your site

Do this in advance so that on day X the store does not “lay down” under the influx of customers. We also recommend checking the 404 error and fixing the maximum number of jambs that users have complained about earlier (or you knew about them, but did not have the time / desire / funds to fix it).

2. Shorten the buyer s journey from order to payment

The fewer gestures the user has to perform, the higher your chances of getting an order. We advise you to speed up registration, shorten the order form, set up autocomplete, etc.

3. Check the delivery service

Will you cope with the influx of orders? Can you ship goods quickly and to everyone at once? If there are problems with the delivery service now, solve them before it s too late. And if the problem persists, honestly warn users that you will be delivering orders with a delay.

4. Check managers

Are they ready for the hard work? Do they know the assortment of goods well? Your employees must be prepared to communicate with hundreds of potential customers.

5. Determine the amount of the discount and the products for which it will apply

Black Friday is the time of maximum discounts. To get people interested, we recommend reducing prices by at least 20%. If you are not ready to “give” goods, consider a bonus system or gifts.

6. Prepare an advertising campaign

It s time to create your email newsletters! Announce Black Friday on social media, run ads and place banners on your website. Be creative and spread the word.

For a week and a half or two

1. Think over the chain of resuscitation

If you have a lot of “sleeping” subscribers in your database, try to return them with a mega-sale announcement. This makes sense, at least because attracting a new client costs 500% morethan keeping the old.

2. Add countdown timers to emails and website

They spur users on: when you see how time is running out, you are overwhelmed with the desire to place an order as soon as possible.

3. Start word of mouth

Encourage users to talk about you. For example, offer a discount or free shipping for a repost or review.

November 27

1. Sell!

A couple of days after

1. Start upselling

Not everyone will be able to participate in Black Friday: someone else has not been given a salary, someone has forgotten, and someone simply was not up to it. Prepare an interesting proposal for such users.

2. Sell!

B2b black friday
Laconic writing for B2B. Nothing more – just discounts.

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